Our products are available from health professionals including naturopaths, nutritionists, medical doctors, dieticians, chiropractors, and more. They look at the bigger picture, not just providing symptom care, but empowering you to take control of your own health through thorough investigations, explanation and understanding of your test results. Your health professional can provide an empathetic ear and the caring connection to facilitate healthy change. Ultimately, through their expertise and guidance they show you the path to living your best life. Ask a health professional if our products are right for you at your next appointment. To find a practitioner in your area, click here.
Orthoplex products are carefully crafted formulations that require a high level of education and understanding to prescribe them. Our products are not a one-size-fits-all standalone solution – that’s why you can’t buy them off the supermarket shelves. With countless nutritional supplements available, how do you know which ones are best suited to your specific health needs and preferences? A consultation with a qualified health professional can assist you in determining your individual nutritional requirements, and how to best meet them as part of a holistic approach to your health. They can also help to answer any complex questions you may have regarding the use of a complementary medicine and keep you informed on any known contraindications.
At Orthoplex, we believe in a holistic approach to healing via expert, tailored health support. Healing is not a quick fix, but rather, a lifestyle. We know that achieving and maintaining positive results require compliance and long-lasting behaviour change. Making and sustaining that change needs guidance, education and support. Your health professional can give you that, to ensure that the changes you make last.
As the bounty of benefits from nutritional medicine becomes more widely recognised, nutritional supplements have become more readily available, now lining the shelves of supermarkets and discount chemists. That’s why we recommend doing your research and consulting with a health professional.
Take fish oil for example. The million-dollar testing facilities in Australia weren’t even good enough for us! Instead, our fish oil has been tested at not one, but multiple international testing facilities, taking purity testing to an impressive level!
As a patient, you’re putting trust in your practitioner and the products they’ve prescribed. You want to know and trust what you’re putting in your body – and we believe that’s your right. That’s why we’re completely transparent and declare every element in our products, so that you don’t have to compromise on trust, safety and efficacy.
Here at Orthoplex, we have a mission to remove every excipient or additive that is not 100% essential to the formulation. We have products that are suitable for all lifestyles and life stages – including vegans and other ‘free-froms’, those with allergies, and those going through pregnancy and lactation.
So, you may ask, what is an excipient? It is a substance other than the active ingredient in a supplement or medication. Excipients are essential for manufacturing and stabilising the product and to enhance its function and overall compliance. These ingredients do not have direct therapeutic action and are considered “inactive”.
However, not all excipients are alike. Some are not recommended to take or have the potential to cause adverse reactions in sensitive individuals. Unfortunately, sometimes these excipients are not declared by the product manufacturer and are hidden – which can pose one of the biggest barriers to effective treatment.
Completely synergize resource taxing relationships via
premier niche markets. Professionally cultivate one-to-one
customer service with robust ideas.
Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for
state of the art customer service.
A practitioner is someone practicing a skilled profession for which special education or licensing is required.
Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, worsen or change unexpectedly talk to your health professional.
These medicines may not be right for you. Read the label before purchase.
Bio Concepts Pty Ltd 19A Guardhouse Road, Banyo QLD 4014, Australia